
View All 4shelly-pro-4pm adapters-for-shelly-blu-wall-switch-4 ct-120a ct-400a rc-snubber shelly-1 shelly-1-gen3 shelly-1-mini-gen3 shelly-1l shelly-1pm shelly-1pm-gen3 shelly-1pm-mini-gen3 shelly-2-5 shelly-2pm-gen3 shelly-3em shelly-az-plug shelly-blu-button-tough-1 shelly-blu-door-window-short-mobile-application-gu shelly-blu-gateway-gen3 shelly-blu-h-t shelly-blu-rc-button-4-us shelly-blu-trv shelly-blu-wall-switch-4 shelly-bulb-duo-rgbw shelly-button-1 shelly-bypass shelly-dali-dimmer-gen3 shelly-dimmer-0-1-10v-pm-gen3 shelly-dimmer-2 shelly-door-window-2 shelly-duo-duo-gu10 shelly-em shelly-em-gen3 shelly-flood shelly-gas shelly-h-t shelly-h-t-gen3 shelly-h-t-usb-adapter shelly-i3 shelly-i4-gen3 shelly-lan-switch shelly-mini-devices shelly-mini-gen3-devices shelly-motion shelly-motion-2 shelly-plug shelly-plug-s shelly-plug-s-mtr-gen3 shelly-plug-us shelly-plus-0-10v-dimmer shelly-plus-1 shelly-plus-1-mini shelly-plus-1-ul shelly-plus-1pm shelly-plus-1pm-mini shelly-plus-1pm-ul shelly-plus-2pm shelly-plus-2pm-ul shelly-plus-add-on shelly-plus-h-t shelly-plus-i4 shelly-plus-i4dc shelly-plus-plug-it shelly-plus-plug-s shelly-plus-plug-s-1 shelly-plus-plug-s-v2 shelly-plus-plug-uk shelly-plus-plug-us shelly-plus-pm-mini shelly-plus-rgbw-pm shelly-plus-smoke shelly-plus-uni shelly-plus-wall-dimmer shelly-pm-mini-gen3 shelly-pro-1 shelly-pro-1-v1 shelly-pro-1pm shelly-pro-1pm-v1 shelly-pro-2 shelly-pro-2-v1 shelly-pro-2pm shelly-pro-2pm-v1 shelly-pro-3-v1 shelly-pro-3em shelly-pro-3em-3ct63 shelly-pro-3em-400 shelly-pro-3em-switch-add-on shelly-pro-4pm shelly-pro-4pm-v2 shelly-pro-dimmer-0-1-10v-pm shelly-pro-dimmer-1pm shelly-pro-dimmer-2pm shelly-pro-dual-cover-pm shelly-pro-em-50 shelly-rgbw2 shelly-smart-security-bundle shelly-trv shelly-uni shelly-vintage shelly-wall-display shelly-wall-switch-1-2-and-4 shelly-wave-1-us shelly-wave-1pm shelly-wave-2pm shelly-wave-door-window shelly-wave-door-window-eu shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-1pm-au shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-1pm-eu shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-1pm-us shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-2pm-au shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-2pm-eu shelly-wave-pro-dimmer-2pm-us shelly-wave-shutter shellyblu-button1 shellyblu-button1-short-mobile-application-guide shellyblu-door-window shellyblu-gateway shellyblu-motion shellyblu-motion-short-mobile-application-guide wave-1 wave-1-1 wave-1-au wave-1-mini wave-1-mini-1 wave-1-mini-au wave-1-mini-us wave-1pm wave-1pm-1 wave-1pm-au wave-1pm-mini wave-1pm-mini-1 wave-1pm-mini-au wave-1pm-mini-us wave-1pm-us wave-2pm wave-2pm-1 wave-2pm-au wave-2pm-us wave-i4 wave-i4-1 wave-i4-au wave-i4-dc wave-i4-dc-1 wave-i4-dc-au wave-i4-dc-us wave-i4-us wave-plug-uk wave-plug-us wave-pm-mini wave-pm-mini-1 wave-pm-mini-au wave-pm-mini-us wave-pro-1 wave-pro-1-1 wave-pro-1-au wave-pro-1-us wave-pro-1pm wave-pro-1pm-1 wave-pro-1pm-au wave-pro-1pm-us wave-pro-2 wave-pro-2-1 wave-pro-2-au wave-pro-2-us wave-pro-2pm wave-pro-2pm-1 wave-pro-2pm-au wave-pro-2pm-us wave-pro-3 wave-pro-3-au wave-pro-3-eu wave-pro-3-us wave-pro-shutter wave-pro-shutter-au wave-pro-shutter-eu wave-pro-shutter-us wave-shutter wave-shutter-1 wave-shutter-au wave-shutter-us

Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 1PM AU

Shelly Wave PRO Dimmer 1PM (AU) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 1PM (AU)ANZ Part number/Ordering Code: QPDM-0A1P01AUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0001Z-Wave Product ID:...

Shelly Az Plug

Shelly AZ Plug Device identification Device name: Shelly AZ Plug Device model: S3PL-10112EU Device SSID: ShellyAZPlug-XXXXXXXXXXXX Device Bluetooth ID: 0x1850 Short description Shelly AZ Plug...

Shelly Wave Door Window EU

Shelly Wave Door/Window (EU) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Door/Window (EU)EU Part number/Ordering Code: QNDW-002CEUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0100Z-Wave Product ID: 0x0081Z-Wave Manufacturer: Shelly EuropeZ-Wave...

Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM US

Shelly Wave PRO Dimmer 2PM (US) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM (US)US Part number/Ordering Code: QPDM-0A2P01USZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0001Z-Wave Product ID:...

Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM AU

Shelly Wave PRO Dimmer 2PM (AU) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM (AU)ANZ Part number/Ordering Code: QPDM-0A2P01AUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0001Z-Wave Product ID:...

Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 1PM US

Shelly Wave PRO Dimmer 1PM (US) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 1PM (US)US Part number/Ordering Code: QPDM-0A1P01USZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0001Z-Wave Product ID:...

Shelly Blu TRV

Shelly BLU TRV Device identification Device name: Shelly BLU TRV Device model: SBTR-001AEU Device Bluetooth ID: 0x0008 Short description Shelly BLU TRV is a smart...

Shelly Blu Gateway Gen3

Shelly BLU Gateway Gen3 Device identification Device name: Shelly BLU Gateway Gen3 Device model: S3GW-1DBT001 Device SSID: ShellyBluGwG3-XXXXXXXXXXXX Device Bluetooth ID: 0x1817 Short description Shelly...

Shelly EM Gen3

Shelly EM Gen3 Device identification Device name: Shelly EM Gen3 Device model: S3EM-002CXCEU Device SSID: ShellyEMG3-XXXXXXXXXXXX BLE Model ID: 0x1027 Short description Shelly EM Gen3...

Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM EU

Shelly Wave PRO Dimmer 2PM (EU) Device identification Device: Shelly Wave Pro Dimmer 2PM (EU)EU Part number/Ordering Code: QPDM-0A2P01EUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0001Z-Wave Product ID:...

Shellyblu Door Window

ShellyBLU Door/Window Device identification Device name: ShellyBLU Door/Window Device model: SBDW-002C Short description ShellyBLU Door/Window (the Device) is a Bluetooth sensor designed to detect the...

Shelly Dali Dimmer Gen3

Shelly DALI Dimmer Gen3 Device identification Device name: Shelly DALI Dimmer Gen3 Device model: S3DM-0A1WW Device SSID: ShellyDDimmerG3-XXXXXXXXXXXX Device Bluetooth ID: 0x1071 Short description Shelly...

Wave Pro 3 EU

Wave Pro 3 (EU) Device identification Device: Wave Pro 3 (EU)EU Part number/Ordering Code: QPSW-0A3X16EUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0002Z-Wave Product ID: 0x0091Z-Wave Manufacturer: Shelly EuropeZ-Wave...

Shellyblu Gateway

ShellyBLU Gateway Device identification Device name: ShellyBLU Gateway Device model: GWF-KZ01 Firmware model ID: SNGW-BT01 Device SSID: ShellyBluGw-XXXXXXXXXXXX Short description ShellyBLU Gateway (the Device) is...

Shellyblu Motion

Shelly BLU Motion Device identification Device name: ShellyBLU Motion Device model: SBMO-003Z Short description ShellyBLU Motion (the Device) is a smart Bluetooth motion detection sensor...

Shelly Wave Door Window

Shelly Wave Door/Window

Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add On

Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add-on Device identification Device name: Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add-on Short description Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add-on (the Device) is a...

Shelly Pro 3 V1

Shelly Pro 3 Device identification Device name: Shelly Pro 3 Device model: SPSW-003XE16EU Device SSID: ShellyPro3-XXXXXX Short description Shelly Pro 3 is a DIN rail...

Wave Pro 2 1

Wave Pro 2 Wave Pro 2 (EU) Wave Pro 2 (US) Wave Pro 2 (AU)

Wave Pro 3 AU

Wave Pro 3 (AU) Device identification Device: Wave Pro 3 (AU)ANZ Part number/Ordering Code: QPSW-0A3X16AUZ-Wave Product type ID: 0x0002Z-Wave Product ID: 0x0091Z-Wave Manufacturer: Shelly EuropeZ-Wave...

Wave I4 AU

Wave i4 (AU) ANote: The product line known as "Shelly Qubino Wave" will now be referred to as "Shelly Wave". This name change will not...

Wave Pro 1PM AU

Wave Pro 1PM (AU) Note: The product line known as "Shelly Qubino Wave" will now be referred to as "Shelly Wave". This name change will...

Wave PM Mini US

Wave PM Mini (US) Note: The product line known as "Shelly Qubino Wave" will now be referred to as "Shelly Wave". This name change will...

Wave 2PM AU

Wave 2PM (AU) Note: The product line known as "Shelly Qubino Wave" will now be referred to as "Shelly Wave". This name change will not...

Wave I4 US

Wave i4 (US) Note: The product line known as "Shelly Qubino Wave" will now be referred to as "Shelly Wave". This name change will not...